
MLK DECA takes part in many school-site and off campus civic consciousness and community service activities throughout the school year. Members gain invaluable experience working as a team, learning how to give back, and earning community service hours.

Street Cleanups

Once a month, MLK DECA volunteers walk through and clean up the street adopted by MLK High School, collecting trash and beautifying our local neighborhood. Street cleanups are in conjunction with the Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful "Adopt a Street" initiative.

Food Drives

March of Dimes

March of Dimes is an organization that helps fund research to support under-developed babies.  King DECA always participated in this by hosting tea parties and socials to raise money.  This is also one of our many ways we support health awareness and the fight for providing equal opportunities to children! 

Relay for Life

Relay for Life is a cancer walk that takes the entire day.  We walk around a track to raise awareness to multiple types of cancers, such as brain, lung, liver, ovarian, breast, heart, and many others.  Each member has to raise a certain amount of money to participate.  The actual event is very fun and touching, and at night, everyone participates in a special walk called the Luminaria walk.  This lap is one that is completely silent and is one of the most powerful walks in the event.  Relay for Life is a great way to show your support for the battle against cancer! 

Tree People

MLK DECA has spent time volunteering for the Tree People non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose aim is plant and maintain trees to enhance the environment of local Riverside neighborhoods.